My 369 Cleanse Experience (Medical Medium)
Let me start by saying:
The 369 Cleanse is one of the best things you’ll ever do.
If you’re scared: Don’t be.
As of today, I have done more than 20 rounds of the Medical Medium 369 Cleanses (because I always feel better after).
I have done the three versions of the 369 Cleanse:
The Original 369 Cleanse
The Advanced 369 Cleanse
The Simplified 369 Cleanse
I’m going to share my overall experience:
What the 369 Cleanse has done for me
Detoxing reactions (black tongue, liver discomfort, dermatoxins, etc…)
40+ symptoms I have healed
How many times should you do the Cleanse?
Which Cleanse version is “better”?
Tips I would give to my past self
Let’s start ✨
What is the Medical Medium 369 Cleanse?
First, what is it?
It’s a 9-day cleanse that help detox your body, organs ~ and emotions (yep, I’ve experienced that too).
You get to cleanse out toxins, toxic heavy metals, plastics, solvents, radiation ~ and more ~ out of your body.
These things are behind many of our physical and emotional issues (a quick google search of scientific studies confirms all that).
And the great thing is…
This Medical Medium Cleanse works (you’ll see my detox pictures as proof).
Not only does it work, but it’s gentle and supports your body (you won’t starve, you can eat as much as you want).
Medical Medium has 3 versions of the 369 Cleanse:
The Simplified version
The Original version
The Advanced version
You can read about each one in the book Cleanse to Heal.
In this book, he outlines what to eat each day.
So here is how it went for me.
The start of my 369 Cleanse experience
I started Medical Medium journey on 1 June 2021.
I was doing this every day:
Wake up
Lemon water
Celery juice
Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie
Cook mostly Medical Medium recipes
At the same time, I was also trying my best to avoid troublemaker foods. This was the beginning of my journey, so I still had cravings for old foods (that included troublemaker foods like corn for example). I would eat them a couple of times a month, or once a month.
I’ve done lots of cleansing now, and I don’t consume any troublemaker foods anymore ~ simply because I don’t crave them anymore. My taste buds have changed.
But anyways, back to the story.
Five months later (by October 2021), I was feeling better. My mental health got better. Some physical pains started to lift slowly. There was definitely a shift in my health. I felt like I was on the right path with Medical Medium information. I was finally feeling relief for the first time… in YEARS.
I wanted to feel even better. I wanted to heal more.
So I read Cleanse to Heal and felt really motivated to try a 369 Cleanse.
Therefore, in October 2021, I decided to do my first 369 Cleanse.
My first 369 Cleanse in October 2021
I decided to do the Original 369 Cleanse as my first cleanse.
I’m not going to lie…
It was challenging :)
But don’t let that scare you!
It was challenging only because it was my first time doing the cleanse, it was new, and I wasn’t used to these foods yet.
(Spoiler alert: it get easier and easier, and you get to feel better and better).
I wasn’t used to eating so much fruit and vegetables.
But overall, I felt great!
My bloating was getting better.
My skin looked better.
My mental health was getting better.
My physical pains started to lift.
And overall, I felt lighter and free-er.
It’s hard to describe the feeling.
I felt like weights lifting off my shoulders. Like dark clouds starting to disperse.
In fact, I felt such a positive change, that at the end of the Original 369 cleanse, I decided I could handle the Advanced 369 Cleanse straight away. So I jumped right in!
I could not do it.
I gagged so hard at dinner time trying to eat a salad LOL!
I don’t think I did the second day.
So that was that.
After this Round, I couldn’t do another 369 Cleanse. So I just enjoyed Medical Medium recipes, cookies, cakes. YUM!!!!!
And when I felt ready ~ months later ~ I jumped into another Original 369 Cleanse.
Original 369 Cleanse in 2022
I did multiple 369 Cleanses that year.
It was the year of the Black Tongue: Detoxing toxic heavy metals.
In between rounds of the 369 Cleanse, I continued the morning cleanse:
Wake up
Lemon water
Celery juice
Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie
And whenever I felt ready, I would do an Original 369 Cleanse.
Anyways, 2022 was the year of the Black Tongue. The year toxic heavy metals started to leave my organs more and more.
If you’ve read my Black Tongue experience, you’ll have seen my pictures.
There’s nothing to be afraid of.
That was a very positive sign 🙌 Toxic Heavy Metals were leaving my body! Hallelujah!
And I kept feeling better, and better mentally and physically 🥳
Detox reactions
Again: There is nothing to do afraid of.
I just want to share that some people can get healing reactions / detox reactions when they cleanse.
I ALWAYS felt better after a cleanse, and it was ALWAYS worth it (even if I had some reactions).
“Better out than in” 🫡
I feel like it’s important I share some detox reactions I’ve experienced.
I wish I had known it could happen so I wasn’t taken by surprise.
Here are some of the detox reactions I’ve experienced so far (you can read about them in this blog post):
Symptoms I have healed
Before Medical Medium, I had over 40 symptoms making me miserable.
I was miserable.
Now I’ve got my life back! 😀 🥳
Here are the symptoms and conditions I have healed (some almost completely healed, it’s just a matter of time until they fully disappear at this point):
Difficulty walking to the point where I barely walked anymore (was crying + so painful)
Burning pain in my leg & hip
Pain in foot
Hot flashes / night sweats (had to change clothes in the middle of the night, in my 20s)
Chronic eye infections / cysts (it was soooo bad… I had eye sties for months on end…)
Gum pain (couldn’t brush my teeth on that spot)
Hair falling
Toe nail fungus
Brain fog (couldn’t follow conversations anymore, forgetful)
Panic attacks
Sleep issues (couldn’t fall asleep easily, had to take pills ~ now I sleep so good!)
Jaw clenching / jaw pain
Tinnitus / ringing, humming, buzzing in the ear
Face acne
Back acne
Red dots coming out of my skin
Vertigo (like I was on a super rocky boat)
Constant nightmares
Mood swings + emotionally unstable
Extreme fatigue / energy issues (felt like I got hit by a bus after cooking a simple meal)
Twitching / spams
Shaking when hungry or low energy
Bloating (after drinking just a sip of water after waking up, and no matter what I ate)
Eye floaters (both eyes were full of them, now I only have one faded in my right eye, and one suuuper faded almost gone in my left eye!!!)
Skin pigmentation on face disappeared (liver spots)
Pigmentation on hands faded away (I had brown spots coming out)
Large pigmentation mark on my face I have had since I was a child disappeared
“Sun spots” stopped coming out and started fading away (since then, I’ve learned they have nothing to do with the sun)
Brown spots in the white of my eye disappeared
Horrible chest and throat tightness healed
Air hunger (Feeling like I couldn’t breathe / needed to breathe more / need more air / can’t breathe deep)
Constant fearful state or mindset
Feeling like I was stuck or not living to my full potential (you feel like you want to do more, but can’t) + stuck in the past
Feeling overwhelmed very easily
Not feeling like myself anymore
Feeling like I didn’t have enough time during the day to do what I wanted to do (my relationship with time was rubbish and making me miserable. Who knew that cleansing would change that?!)
And other symptoms I will keep private for now. But this is a good list with some of the main symptoms that were stopping me from living a peaceful life.
I can walk now!!!! 🥳
I can sleep peacefully!!!
I can cook again and I’m not tired anymore!!!
How many times should you do the 369 Cleanse?
One Round = One full cycle of the 369 Cleanse = 9 days.
Very important:
We’re all facing different things in life. So I feel like it’s unfair to compare ourselves to other people’s healing journeys.
For some people, doing one round will be enough.
For others, doing 3 rounds will hit the spot.
For others, doing more rounds will be what they need to move the needle.
All that to say that our healing journeys can be different, and it’s completely fine.
Medical Medium says you can do the Cleanse as many times as you want, until our symptoms start to alleviate.
You can do multiple rounds back-to-back.
Or you can take a break in between rounds. For example, some people take a few weeks, or a few months’ break in between the rounds.
You see how you feel.
At the beginning, I thought I would do only one round and be healed of all 40+ symptoms I had.
But this is what I’ve learned from my experience: Some of my symptoms healed fast. Others took a bit longer. So I had to be kind to myself, and PATIENT.
I strongly believe anything can happen, and that we shouldn’t put “healing timelines” on ourselves. We could heal tomorrow if we allow it. We can heal something in a week, a month.
Miracles DO happen (and that’s one of the things I’ve had to learn on my journey. But that’s a story for another time).
I noticed that I personally had to do multiple rounds for *my* symptoms.
The more rounds I did, the better I felt afterwards. There was always a shift (physically, mentally or both).
It’s a journey.
Now I see it as an adventure: “Oh, I want to try out the Original 369 Cleanse ~ let’s see what I’ll discover this time around!”
Which 369 Cleanse version is “better”?
The one you can handle at the moment in time.
You choose.
All Medical Medium Cleanses are powerful. They all work.
Sometimes I felt good on the Original 369 only.
Sometimes, I felt ready for the Advanced 369, and that’s what I did back-to-back.
Sometimes I wanted a break, and did the Simplified 369 Cleanse.
I always chose the one I felt ready for ~ the one I could stick to.
I didn’t let my mind tell me: “Oh, if you’re going to do a Cleanse you HAVE TO to the Advanced, because the Advanced will help you heal FASTER. Therefore don’t even think about the Original or Simplified 369s ~ it’s not worth it. It’s the ADVANCED version or NOTHING.”
Doing a Cleanse was better than not doing it.
All Cleanses work. If I could stick longer to the Original 369 Cleanse, and do more rounds of the Original compared to the Advanced ~ then I’d do the Original.
If I couldn’t handle the Original anymore but wanted to do a Cleanse, I’d do the Simplified.
They all work.
I felt my liver working on all versions of the 369 Cleanse.
Moral of the story:
All cleanses work. Don’t discriminate.
If you want to do the Simplified 369 Cleanse ~ do it.
If you want to do the Original 369 Cleanse ~ do it.
If you want to do Advanced 369 Cleanse ~ do it.
And if you start the Original and you feel like you can’t handle it, you have 3 choices:
Keep going: Take it one meal at a time. Don’t think about the next meal or the next day. You will know if you can “push” yourself a bit. Sometimes there is initial discomfort when it’s new, or when we’re cleansing, but deep down we feel like we can keep going. It’s just tough sometimes.
Switch the Simplified cleanse. No big deal!
Abort mission: it’s okay, don’t beat yourself up. One day of cleanse, one meal of the cleanse is still a MASSIVE ACCOMPLISHMENT. Your body LOVED it. You didn’t fail. You failed if you didn’t try. And you tried. Give yourself a pat on the back. You can always try again later. Relax.
Tips I would give my past self
Here are some things I wish I knew at the beginning:
It works! Stop doubting. Doubting is a heavy weight. You’ll feel much better if you drop it.
Do not starve (if you’re still hungry: eat more!!!!!!)
Be kind to yourself ~ seriously.
If you’re struggling, take it one meal at a time (don’t think about the next meal, or about tomorrow, or about how many days you have left. Focus on that one meal only)
It might feel hard sometimes, but you always feel better after Day 9
I struggled on Day 5 & 6 sometimes, but then the next days were easier
Trust the process
You’re safe
You always feel better after Day 9, you never regret doing the cleanse
Your future self will thank you for it
It get easier. Doing a cleanse gets easier. Prepping food gets easier. Cleaning after yourself gets easier. Organising yourself gets easier. Grocery shopping gets easier.
You will feel better.
Your body is healing even if you don’t see it right away.
Look how far you’ve come
Be proud of yourself
Learn to be patient (with yourself, with cleaning, prepping food, etc… life in general)
Drop any expectations (once you dropped the expectations of seeing healing after a cleanse, you felt incredible. The weight of “healing expectations” was too heavy. You freed yourself).
Learn to enjoy your life now while you are healing ~ don’t wait until you’re healed to enjoy life (that’s when I started healing more rapidly)
Food is only ONE part of the equation (it’s a big part, it’s your fuel). Healing is also other things (see the Healing Path).
Make it a lifestyle ~ not something you “have to do because something is wrong with you”. Shift your mindset: you do this because it’s the right thing to do (just like you’d brush your teeth). You always feel better after. Your body loves it. Your mind loves it. You always feel better.
Relax (the more you relaxed, the better the experience has been, the more you healed. Relax can mean to lie down for 2 minutes, or close your eyes for 2 minutes, or to learn how to relax your mind and shift your perception).
These are some of the things I’ve learned and that have helped me along the way.
That’s it!
I hope it helps.
Let me know if you have any questions. Otherwise, I wish you the very best on your journey.
You’ve got this!
Enjoy your amazing 369 Cleanse experience ✨🌸🕊
You can do it
You can do it 🤍
PS: I’ve been creating images and PDFs to help me on this journey, maybe you’d like to use them too:
Original 369 Cleanse Cookbook (with Liver Rescue Salad ideas & Spinach Soup ideas)
Troublemaker foods image (I printed it and put on my fridge)
Healing Calendar (I used it to create new habits and stay motivated)