How to Do a Heavy Metal Detox Naturally and Safely? (My experience)
Guys, I’m going to share EVERYTHING in this blog post.
I have healed over 40 symptoms and conditions. A lot of them were caused by toxic heavy metals. I have cleansed a lot of them out.
There’s a lot of confusion out there. Lots of people are trying to sell products, or sharing ways to “cleanse heavy metals fast” or with one pill or one tincture that contains multiple herbs, or a 10 day cleanse that makes you poop.
But we have to be very careful because sometimes “fast things” actually can hurt us more.
Some products also contain ingredients that actually damage something else in our body (now or in a few months or years). It just accumulates you know?
Or some products might make you poo more, and you’re thinking: “Great! Stuff is coming out!'“, but they’re not removing metals from specific ORGANS, NERVES and the BRAIN (because that’s where metals are stuck, and a pill can’t get them unstuck from those places).
Or they are not removing the TOXINS that metals creates in the liver, nerves or even skin.
If you have been unwell for a long time, or if you have a lot of unexplained symptoms, pains in your body, neurological issues, mental health struggles, and you feel like your body is very sensitive: Then you need to be careful and use a safe method to detox heavy metals.
A safe method means a method that:
Takes heavy metals ouf of your ORGANS and BRAIN carefully and FULLY
Supports your adrenal glands (CRUCIAL to heal!!!)
Restores your organs as metals leave the places they damaged (so the detox won’t just “remove” metals, it heals you at the same time)
Heals your neurological system
Heals other symptoms and conditions you might have
So your body can heal after the metals are out
Wow, that was a big intro, but I feel like it’s so important to say that this detox will be completely different.
It changed my life. I was in such a dark place before, could barely walk, I was so tired every day.
Anyways, let’s get started.
We’ll talk about:
Proof that you can detox heavy metals naturally
Symptoms of heavy metals
How to flush heavy metals out of the body
The Heavy Metal Detox Cleanse
What foods remove heavy metals?
Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie recipe / formula
How often should you drink the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie
How long does it take to detox from heavy metals?
Proof that you can detox heavy metals naturally
Don’t freak out. I’m going to explain why this happened, and why it’s a good sign.
I’ve done the Cleanse I’m about to share with you.
Prior to that, I had tried everything. I had over 40 symptoms and conditions, and my quality of life was decreasing. I could barely walk. I was constantly tired. My mental health was down the drain. And I wasn’t finding relief.
Within 3 months of doing this Cleanse, my symptoms started to lift. Hallelujah!
One night, I tasted something metallic in my mouth (like aluminium). I got up and looked at my tongue in the mirror. It was slightly grey. Here is the photo:
I continued doing the Cleanse. The more I did it, the more metals were coming out of my body. I took more photos:
Why did my tongue become grey / black / brown?
This happens when metals are coming OUT OF THE ORGANS when you actively do the cleanse.
Metals get out of our organs, then float in our bloodstream (therefore could be seen on my tongue) before getting out in my poo, pee, etc…
Important: You don’t have to have a black tongue to detox metals. You can be doing this cleanse, detox and never have the black tongue. It still works. You’ll get better.
Most people think metals are just hanging out in our intestinal tract, or maybe “float” in our blood indefinitely. They usually float in our blood within the first hours or days after we have been exposed.
For example, if you’ve smelled a chemical fragrance / perfume. The metals from that fragrance will float around in your blood before being processed by your liver and sinking in organs (more on that after). And yes, metals can be in our intestinal tract, but that’s not the biggest places (or more worrisome places) they’re in.
Metals are heavy. They sink. They get stuck. Just think about how lead sinks with your line when you’re going fishing.
So where do metals go?
Where are heavy metals in your body?
So you’ve been exposed to heavy metals (perfume, scented candles, cologne, scented detergents, bleach, pesticides, herbicides, alumimium foil, copper, etc…).
This is what happens:
Metals float in your blood
The liver is your body’s filter
Unfortunately, most people’s liver is FILLED, saturated, overburdened with toxins already (think about how many times you’ve smelled perfume, fuel, detergents or ate from a alumimum container or been to a firework)
So the liver can’t process everything, it needs to keep the toxins.
The liver buries these microscopic (actually much smaller ~ millions of tiny particles of metals) inside of itself. It accumulates all these toxins to save your butt. Otherwise they would go in other organs (like your brain) and make a bigger mess.
But at some point, our liver gets too toxic and can’t do its job of keeping the toxins away from your other organs anymore.
So the metals now start to deposit themselves in the spleen, reproductive system (if you had endometriosis, PCOS, etc… that’s what happens), and… the brain. Among other places. But these are the big 3.
Usually, metals don’t make a mess just by themselves. They usually have someone who like to party with them: A pathogen (like a virus or bacteria).
And before you think: “This is insane”, well… Medical Research and Science have already proved that we have viruses that are inside of us (kinda like how we have worms too… I know… it can be gross to think about) that cause chronic illness.
But anyways, pathogens and metals can be a story for another time.
You’re wondering if the issues you’re having are linked to metals. So let’s look.
Symptoms of heavy metals
There are hundreds of physical and mental health issues related to metals.
Science knows the impact heavy metals have on our body, brain, and neurological system. But not many people talk about it.
Heavy metals can cause symptoms like:
Brain fog
Throat and chest tightness
Focus issues
Memory issues
Behavioral issues
Fatigue and energy issues
Body pains (including burning body pains that can travel)
Skin conditions like: Eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, rashes
Alzheimer’s, Dementia
Addiction (of any sort)
Pigmentation, age spots, sunspots (mine have started to fade!! yay!!!)
Anxiousness, anxiety, depression, panic attacks
Eye floaters
Color blindness
Macular degeneration
Hair thinning / hair loss
Headaches and migraines
Mood swings
Hot flashes, chills, night sweats, running hot, body temperature fluctuations
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
And more.
But the good news is: We can heal!!! 😀 And I have healed a lot of the above symptoms. And so can you!!
Ok… so how to heal? What to do?
The solution
I know some people don’t like hearing his name.
But hey ~ it works.
You can’t deny the thousands, and THOUSANDS of people from all around the world who have healed (me included, and I still can’t believe it to this day).
So, the one person who talks about these symptoms and how to heal them all is Anthony William (also known as Medical Medium).
When you’ve been sick and tried everything, and not getting better… you do what you gotta do. And let me tell you, I’ve been there, done that, and his information worked.
So let’s remove those metals from our bodies, shall we?
How to flush heavy metals out of the body
Medical Medium has specific protocols in his books.
I strongly recommend you check out these books:
“Cleanse to Heal” and
The “Brain Saver" Books” (there are 2 books in this series)
In my opinion, these books are crucial.
Cleanse to Heal has a toxic heavy metal cleanse, and a 9 day cleanse for your liver (so it can process metals out)
The Brain Saver books have 7 Toxic Heavy Metal Cleanses options inside
I’ve used both books.
You take it as far as YOU need based on what YOU want to heal.
The Heavy Metal Detox Cleanse
Basically, I followed his advice and did this:
Heavy Meal Detox Cleanse, which consist of:
Waking up
Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie (recipe below)
Lower my fat consumption (so my blood isn’t so thick and the toxins can get out)
Avoid troublemaker foods (to help my liver remove metals)
Ate a bunch of Medical Medium recipes, cakes and cookies
Did the 369 Cleanse from time to time (this was a game-changer for me)
Bonus: I also removed toxic products from my home (toxic cleaning products, soaps, shampoo, etc…) since they contain metals. No thanks!
And that’s basically what helped me heal 😊
But like I said, Medical Medium has seven (7) Heavy Metal Detox Cleanse protocols in his book “Brain Saver”. I highly, highly recommend you check it out if you need more help.
He outlines exactly what to drink, when, how much, how often, how long, etc…
He also has Heavy Metal Detox juices you can make if you need even more relief:
What foods remove heavy metals?
I feel like removing heavy metals from our body is more than just eating foods that remove only metals.
Like I wrote before, lowering my fat consumption was crucial. So was helping my liver cleanse ~ because only then could it finally filter all the toxins out.
But basically, Medical Medium says that the main foods that remove heavy metals are:
Wild blueberries (not conventional ones, WILD ones ~ you usually find them in the freezer section of the shop)
Cilantro / coriander
Barley grass juice powder *
Spirulina *
They are the base of the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie (recipe below).
Each ingredient draws metals from different parts of the body. Together they safely hold on to metals from different organs to drive them out of our body ~ safely.
I use the brand Vimergy for the Barley Grass Juice Powder, Spirulina, Dulse, and other supplements.
If you live in Australia or New Zealand, you can get Vimergy products from the website Flower of Life.
Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie recipe
You have two options:
Drink this as a smoothie (it’s delicious), or
Eat at the ingredients separately throughout the day.
You just have to make sure you are consuming the right quantities, so they can have the right effect.
Look at Medical Medium books and websites for tips for kids and pregnancy.
There are 2 versions of the smoothie:
The Original Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie
The Advanced Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie
I suggest you start with the Original recipe so you can get used to it. That’s the one I did and got great results with. Whenever you feel ready, you can go to the Advanced version.
Here’s the formula for the Original Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie:
How often should you drink the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie
You have different options.
Look in the book “Brain Saver” which Heavy Metal Cleanse you’d like to do. And you will see how long he recommends you do it for.
How long does it take to detox from heavy metals?
As soon as you will start the Cleanse, your body will start cleaning. This is because you’ll be giving it the foods it needs to heal.
How long it takes will vary from person to person.
That’s because we all have different types and quantities of metals in us.
Some of us have mercury + aluminum. Others have more copper and less mercury. Others have copper, mercury, aluminum, etc…
I started feeling better within the first 2 weeks of starting the cleanse. There was a shift, a relief. Then after 3 months there was a dramatic difference.
Because I felt such a difference I just kept going, and I’ve been feeling better and better since then.
All I can say is “start”. Just do it. Don’t overthink it. Just do it.
That’s it!
I hope this blog post helped.
I wish you all the very best, and as always…
Happy Healing 💓✨🕊