My Black & Brown Tongue during Medical Medium Cleanses

I’m going to share my “black tongue” / “brown tongue” experience while doing Medical Medium Cleanses.

I tried to take photos as often as I could. I might be missing some dates, but the whole experience is here.

I will share:

  • How / When did it happen to me?

  • What did my tongue look like?

  • Did it change color?

  • Did I taste anything?

  • How long did it last for?

And more.

But first some context.

What does Medical Medium say about Black Tongue?

If you know Medical Medium information, then you’ll know that he talks about the “Unforgiving Fours”.

These are the four factors that impact our health and wellbeing in today’s world:

  • Viruses (viral explosion)

  • DDT

  • Radiation, and…

  • Toxic Heavy Metals

I have dealt with over 40+ symptoms.

Many of them linked to Toxic Heavy Metals.

Once I started detoxing metals using Medical Medium information, my symptoms started to lift.

Medical Medium Unforgiving Four

In the book “Brain Saver”, Medical Medium explains that having tongue discoloration during a Cleanse is a good sign that toxins / metals are leaving the body.

Then, in his podcast called “Black Tongue: Tongue Discoloration” he explains different scenarios of why someone could have black tongue.

In the last scenario, he explains my exact situation:

If you are actively taking care of yourself, using Medical Medium tools, drinking the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie, doing Medical Medium Cleanses, and you get a black tongue, it means:

  • Oxidised toxic heavy metals are being uprooted from the organs, AND

  • The toxic heavy metals themselves are leaving the body

What an amazing news!

  • So what exactly was I doing to get the black tongue?

  • What did my tongue look like?

  • Did I taste anything?

Here’s my story.

The start

I started my Medical Medium journey on 1 June 2021. I was at my worse, after I had tried EVERYTHING (acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, naturopath, osteopath, alternative healing hacks, apple cider vinegar shots, etc…).

I might do a blog post about my symptoms and what I have healed so far.

But for now, let’s focus on the black tongue.

So 1 June 2021, I started Medical Medium as my last resort.

I started with what I could do:

  • Lemon water when waking up (16oz was what I could handle)

  • Celery juice (16oz was what I could handle)

  • Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie (close to 32oz)

I drank these every day.

  • I also started to slowly reduce my consumption of troublemaker foods, and ate less takeouts & UberEats.

  • I started to make more Medical Medium recipes, cookies and cakes (so yum!!!!)

  • I lowered my fat consumption slowly (avocado, oils, coconut, butter, peanut butter, milk, etc…)

Around 5 months later, I decided to do my first Original 369 Cleanse.

The Cleanse was challenging at first, but I did it and felt good.

No black tongue.

Within just a couple of months of a Medical Medium lifestyle (not doing everything 100%), I felt better.

Anxiety, depression, panic attacks started to lift (all caused by toxic heavy metals).

13 March 2022: My First Black Tongue Experience

I was doing the Original 369 Cleanse, when all of a sudden I tasted a metallic taste in my mouth early evening.

So I went in the bathroom and saw my tongue changed color (it was grey-ish).

20 April 2022

I decided to do another 369 Cleanse.

My tongue discoloration was darker this time - more black.

In the morning it was lighter, and by the end of the day it was darker:

26 April 2022, still on the Original 369 Cleanse.

Here is how black it got:

17 July 2022

The more time went on, the better I was feeling.

In July, I did another 369 Cleanse. My tongue was changing between grey, black and dark brown.

23 October 2022

I did another 369 Cleanse, and this time was light grey.

By the end of the year, I was feeling much better.

It was a no-brainer to continue living my Medical Medium lifestyle.

4 February 2023

2023 was a pivotal year for me.

At this point, I had healed the majority of my symptoms. I could start living my life again. However, I still had some stubborn symptoms annoying my day-to-day life.

I decided that this year - 2023 - I was going to do more Cleanses and try to “dabble less”.

  • I removed all troublemaker foods from my life (it was easy because I had been gradually avoiding them, so it felt natural and not hard to do)

  • I lowered my fat consumption a lot

  • I told myself I would try to do as many Medical Medium Cleanses as I could

  • I told myself I would try to take the recommended Supplements as often as I could

And I felt like a completely different person by December 2023 ~ for the better. I started feeling like myself again. I started feeling free. I started seeing Light at the end of the very dark tunnel.

That year, my tongue discoloration stopped being so black, and it became more “brown” / copper-ish in color.

Here is how it looked like during an Advanced 369 Cleanse:

12 March 2023

I did another Advanced 369 Cleanse.

It has been so interesting to see how it has been changing colors over the months.

It started grey, then black, then this brownish / copper-ish color.

13 April 2023

Once again, I did a few rounds of the Advanced 369 Cleanse:

23 May 2023

It was like a thicker dark brown looking tongue:

Then in July 2023, I did the Medical Medium Potato Mono-Eating Cleanse, as I needed a break from cleansing (mentally and physically).

I LOVED the Potato Mono-Eating Cleanse and it has been a GAME-CHANGER in my healing journey.

As I started eating the potatoes, my black / brown tongue slowly disappeared, and has come back only twice since July 2023. Mind you, after 5 weeks of Potato Mono-Eating, I did more Original and Advanced 369 Cleanses. But my black tongue never came back during those Cleanses.

It came back twice so far, after finishing an Advanced 369 Cleanse in February 2024. It was Day 1 and Day 2 AFTER finishing the Advanced 369 Cleanse. I ate steamed potatoes for lunch and tasted a strong metallic taste in my mouth. I looked in the mirror and saw this:

Does it mean I have cleansed most of the Metals out?

I haven’t had a black tongue when doing 369 Cleanses lately. Only faint grey color for a couple of hours, but nothing I can be sure of. I was so used to seeing my tongue black, grey or brown for days, that I can’t say for sure what I saw lately was the metal-related black tongue.

Does it mean I have cleansed most of the metals out?

I have no idea.

All I know is 40+ symptoms have lifted and some have completely disappeared.

So from this perspective, I would say a lot of metals have come out since I got better.

Does it mean you’re not getting toxic heavy metals out if you don’t have a black tongue?

Not having a black tongue doesn’t mean you’re not detoxing toxic heavy metals.

I think you are still cleansing Metals out even if you don’t have a black tongue - as long as you are following the Medical Medium protocols and doing the Medical Medium Toxic Heavy Metal Cleanse.

Can you get a black tongue during another Medical Medium Cleanse?

I have personally experienced the black tongue when doing the 369 Cleanses.

However, I remember reading someone’s Instagram post a while ago saying they experienced the black tongue after doing the Potato Mono-Eating Cleanse long-term.

I think we are all different in terms of what we are dealing with (how much metals, toxins and pathogens we have in us), and what Medical Medium cleanse we can personally handle at that moment.

How long did my black tongue last?

My tongue discoloration lasted for as long as I was doing the 369 Cleanse.

When I stopped the 369 Cleanse, the black tongue was slowly fading away.

Once again, not having the black tongue doesn’t mean we’re not cleansing metals out.

That’s it!

This was my experience. I hope it helped.

Let me know if you have any questions, or if you have experienced the black or brown tongue too when doing a Medical Medium Cleanse.

Have a wonderful day, and as always… Happy Healing 🤍


Medical Medium Troublemaker Foods List