How I got my periods back, regular and different ~ naturally
I didn’t think I would write such a personal blog post one day. But I figured some women out there might be struggling with their periods and might be looking for hope. So here we are :)
The good news: You can get your periods back naturally.
I didn’t start my healing journey to heal my periods. I started because of another condition I wanted to heal. I had tried everything to get relief, but nothing worked.
So I started my healing journey. In the process, I have healed 40+ other symptoms / conditions.
My life changed for the better. I can actually live my life now.
I had NO IDEA my periods would come back, become regular and change ~ for the better too.
So here’s what I did.
I’m going to talk about:
Foods that helped me get my periods back
Foods I avoid
Taking care of my adrenal glands
Changing my relationship with stress
My periods before starting Medical Medium
I had tried everything to heal. Then, start my Medical Medium (MM) journey as a last resort. And it worked.
Before starting my MM journey, I was lucky if I got my periods twice a year.
My blood was very thick and dark (important to note because this changed completely).
I had blood clots too (which now I know wasn’t normal).
I was eating a diet high in fat and protein (hence the thick blood).
I was very fatigued everyday.
Had chronic eye sties, anxiety, depression, tinnitus, sleeping issues, bloating, vertigo, eye floaters, burnout, burning pains in my body.
And the list goes on.
But let’s focus on the periods.
What did I do to get them back naturally?
How I got my periods back during my Medical Medium journey
You can continue scrolling for more in-depth information. I will share everything: specific foods and herbs for the reproductive system, adrenal glands, stress relief.
Or you can just look at this image for a quick overview:
For me, my periods gradually came back:
First they came every few months
Then every 2 months
Then every 6 weeks
Then every 5 weeks
Now, I know when I ovulate and when I’m going to have my periods. It’s amazing!!! 🥹
Like I said, I didn’t start my MM journey to heal my periods. But they did!!
This is what I did:
I started my MM journey in June 2021
I gradually lowered my consumption of all troublemaker foods (but I stopped eating EGGS, GLUTEN, DAIRY straight away though ~ because those are a big no-no for the reproductive system). Now, I don’t consume any of troublemaker foods because I feel so much better and don’t crave them at all
Every morning, I did the Heavy Metal Detox Cleanse, which consists of drinking:
Lemon Water
Celery Juice (PS: This alleviated my morning period pain!!!!!! amazing)
Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie
No fat / protein consumption until dinner-time ~ this was HUGE and super important for my healing (later on on my journey, I ate fat only a couple of times a month ~ sometimes I stayed on a 369 cleanse for a month. Lowering my fat and protein intake has been CRITICAL to healing MANY of my symptoms and conditions ~ including my periods)
For lunch and dinner: I primarily cooked Medical Medium recipes (and lots of MM cookies and cakes ~ yum!)
I ate LOTS and LOTS of potatoes and sweet potatoes
I took Medical Medium-recommended supplements, herbs and herbal teas
My periods started to come back every few months ~ which was a massive surprise for me. Hallelujah!
I had a bunch of other symptoms I wanted to get rid of, so I decided to try other Medical Medium Cleanses. In October 2021, I did my first Original 369 Cleanse.
Whenever I felt ready, I did other 369 Cleanses to detox my body and organs. I started feeling my liver detoxing. The more cleanses I did, the better I felt
I started detoxing toxic heavy metals (hello black tongue)
I kept eating Medical Medium recipes, doing the Heavy Metal Detox Cleanse every morning, and did 369 Cleanse whenever I felt ready
My periods then started to become more frequent (like every 2 months)
I kept going with my new lifestyle, and kept doing Medical Medium cleanses
I stopped pushing myself to workout. I focused on relaxing my body and nervous system. The only movements I did was rebounding (tiny trampoline) and very slow and gentle movements / stretches (like very beginner pilates)
My period blood completely changed over time: it became like a beautiful, light red water (no clots, no stickiness, no thickness)
My periods were “heavy” when they first came back (I had to change my pad a lot of times throughout the day ~ sometimes 3 times within an hour in the morning). Over time, they became lighter and now they don’t last as long as at the beginning (I only have 2 days of “normal big flow” now).
I feel like my body / uterus has been adjusting throughout the months, and now I’m regular!!! Yay!!!!
Foods I consumed to get my periods back naturally
Here are the amazing fruits, vegetables and herbs I consumed to get my periods back naturally.
These foods:
💛 Support the reproductive system
💦 Cleanse the reproductive system
⚖️ Balance reproductive hormones, and
🌷 Help the reproductive system absorb specific nutrients that it needs to recharge its battery
You can read more about what these foods do for our body in the book Life-Changing Foods.
There are also specific herbs that are amazing for revitalising the reproductive system. You can drink them as a tea:
Be consistent. Everyday, include some of these foods.
Here is an example of what I would eat in a day:
Click here to see all Medical Medium recipes.
Or you can download the cookbook here.
Foods I avoid
Trust me, I’ve tried eating more of some of the foods on that list because of the majority of people online (including science) saying “how good they are for our hormones and reproductive system”. Or because I was seeing social media influencers eating them and “feeling good” or “looking great”. I only got worse.
My life became better once I started avoiding these foods. It’s not restriction, it’s freedom.
Health freedom.
If you want to know “why” these foods are not helpful, Google “medical medium [write the food]”. Everything will be explained on his blog.
You can see the full list of Troublemaker Foods here. There are levels to it. You can lower / avoid certain foods depending on how much you need to heal.
That includes products that contain them too. So check the food labels. For example, even if a pasta is “gluten free” it can have corn. No bueno.
If you’re wondering whether I feel like I’m missing out:
Hell no!!!! I eat in abundance and I’m always satisfied. Plus I’ve got my health and mental health back ~ and my periods back! 🥳
Focus on what you can eat. Not on what you can’t. You might take time to find new recipes you like. Be patient. It’s all part of the journey. You’ve got this!
Taking care of my adrenal glands
According to MM, our adrenal glands play a massive role in:
Our hormone production (and therefore our reproductive system 💖)
Our overall healing
Our adrenals is what gives our body strength to live.
So it’s important to take care of them.
Here are signs that our adrenal glands are weakened and need help:
Unstable energy levels (you might crash throughout the day) or have chronic fatigue
Need caffeinated drinks or foods to get started in the morning, or to push through the day
Crave caffeinated foods (coffee, matcha, caffeinated teas, chocolate, energy drinks, etc…)
Tired after waking up, even if you slept for a long time
Relying on naps to get through the day
Hair is thinning and / or falling
Thirsty in the middle of the night
Feeling thirsty during the day, can’t seem to quench your thirst
Tired at night but have trouble falling asleep
Tired during the day, but get energy at night
Sweating excessively when performing light tasks
Blurry vision
Difficulty focusing
Post-partum fatigue and depression
Feeling “burnt out”
What I did that helped SO MUCH:
Eating lots of fruits, veggies, leafy greens, potatoes / sweet potatoes, pumpkins (these are the building blocks of healing)
Eating!!!!! I NEVER EVER stayed hungry. When we’re hungry our adrenal glands have to pump adrenaline to keep us going ~ which we want to avoid if we want to heal. My adrenal glands were very weak, and my glycogen reserves very low, so I used the “Grazing Method” to get better. This means I was eating regularly ~ every 1.5 to 2 hours, or whenever I felt hungry. I did NOT restrict myself.
Lowering fat & protein consumption (this was a game-changer for my healing is huuuuuge to keep our adrenals happy, especially when we need to heal)
Avoiding high intensity workouts. I wasn’t a workout person at all because I’d been unwell for a while and my body was in pain. So I couldn’t workout / move much. But even the small amount of workout I tried to do was spiking my adrenaline - even if it’s just being on a stationary bike or doing some pilates workouts or weight training. If my heart rate was going up, if I started feeling like I was in a fight-or-flight mode, or if my throat and chest were tightening up, it meant my adrenaline was rushing. No bueno. So I stopped working out for a while to allow my body to relax. To allow my nervous system to take a break. I focused on healing foods. My body was healing. I wasn’t going to put it under stress. When I felt ready to move, I only did very GENTLE exercises: Rebounding (on a mini-trampoline) for 10 minutes and extremely gentle stretches and extreme beginner pilates workout. Not every day. I listened to my body, instead of what “fitness influencers do”. And it feels so much better now. And my periods are back :)
Changing my relationship with stress
Like MM says, the primary trigger for adrenal glands is stress (stress from life events, or even not eating - when we don’t eat adrenaline kicks in).
Stress causes our adrenal glands to pump out adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline is very corrosive and toxic for our body.
I was living in chronic fight-or-flight mode. I was stressed as soon as I woke up in the morning. Bracing for the day. Fearing the day ahead. Stressed no matter what I did (working, cooking, eating, cleaning, breathing lol…).
And like we said before, we need to take care of our adrenal glands if we want to balance our hormones and heal.
So part of my healing journey was also to change my attitude towards stress.
I realised things / life will always happen - no matter what. I can either stress out about it - or not. I’ve lived my entire life in stress and it’s exhausting. Things will always happen anyways. “No more” I said to myself. I needed to change.
I strongly recommend reading what MM wrote about “Dealing with stress” in the book Life-Changing Foods. It helped me a lot to change my relationship with stress, and how I can use it as a teacher.
There are many other things we can do to lower stress.
This is what helped me:
Specific foods that relieve stress
Specific supplements & herbs
Detoxing toxic heavy metals made my anxiety and depression disappear
Becoming honest with myself, wanting to change and taking action (lots of journaling, talking, letting go, surrendering, trusting, changing my perspective)
Foods that helped me A LOT to lower my stress (all MM info):
Fresh ginger in my morning lemon water = this was a GAME-CHANGER for my chronic stress (see here how I make it using a garlic crusher)
Celery juice
Lemon balm
Doing 369 cleanses (it’s like I cleansed physically and it relaxed my body and mind at the same time too)
Magnesium Glycinate (I get from the brand "Vimergy”)
The Adrenal Fight-or-Flight Brain Shot
That’s it!
It’s really simple after all:
Leafy greens
Lowering our stress
Being patient, and
Trusting the process.
We might be dealing with different things in our bodies. So don’t hesitate to look into Medical Medium books to see if there are other symptoms you’d like to heal. For example, he has specific protocols for “acne”, “UTIs”, “endometriosis”, “PCOS”, etc… So you have information right there ready for you.
Though once you start with one symptom, many other symptoms will start disappearing.
I’m so excited for you to get your periods back and feel better overall! You can do this 💪
Sending lots of healing vibes your way.
Have an amazing day, and as always… Happy Healing 💖