Feeling my Liver Squeeze during the Medical Medium Cleanse

I often talk on my Instagram how I’m now feeling my liver “squeeze” when I do a 369 Cleanse.

Note: You could still feel your liver “squeeze” even if you don’t do a 369 Cleanse. Medical Medium has a lot of other Cleanse options.

I’m just sharing here my experience:

  • When does it happen?

  • What is a “liver squeeze”?

  • Is it painful?

  • How long does it last?

  • Does it scare me?

  • What does Medical Medium say about feeling our liver like this?

  • What can you do if you want to soothe your liver? (techniques, foods & supplements)

When does it happen?

For me, this sensation happens when I do a Medical Medium 369 Cleanse.

It didn’t happen the first time I did the 369 Cleanse.

It happened a few months into my MM journey.

It started around November 2022 when I was doing the Original 369 Cleanse.

Then, I had a break from cleansing. And this sensation was coming back here and there whenever I did the Original and Advanced 369 Cleanses.

Fast-forward to March 2024 (today).

It started again during the Advanced 369 in February 2024. I have been continuing on the Original and Simplified 369 since then. I still feel my liver squeezing. It has been continuous.

If I stop the 369 Cleanse, my liver squeeze will slowly “fade away” within a few days.

What is a “liver squeeze”?

I call it “squeeze” because that’s literally what it feels like:

I feel as if my liver is “squeezing”.

Imagine you have a sponge and you squeeze the water out of it. That’s what it feels like for me.

Sometimes, it also feels like a “cramp” (you know, the sort of side cramp you get when you run and don’t breathe properly?).

Sometimes, I feel sharp shooting pains (like a needle poking different spots of my liver).

Sometimes, it feels like a “swelling”.

The sensation could be different for different people.

The cool thing is:

I feel different parts of my liver squeezing.

  • Sometimes, I feel my liver squeeze on the right hand side

  • Sometimes on the left side

  • Sometimes on top

  • Sometimes at the bottom

  • Sometimes in the middle

  • I feel if it’s squeezing deep in my liver, or at the surface level

  • Sometimes it squeezes at multiple places at once (for example, the top and right hand size at the same time)

  • Sometimes, it squeezes in the middle and bottom and deep

  • Sometimes I feel almost the entire liver working

That’s very interesting to me, because MM described in his book Liver Rescue the different types of sluggish liver. So it’s nice to see which parts are working as I cleanse.

Is it painful?

It’s not excruciating pain.

And the sensation changes. Sometimes it’s just “discomfort”.

When it first happened in 2022, it was the most “painful” I have experienced so far (7, 8 or 9/10). I couldn’t speak a lot without getting out of breath. It was a constant sensation and pressure.

Now, the sensation is maximum 6-7/10.

Most of the time (like right now as I’m writing), it’s a 4-5/10. It’s just a pressure. Like a low humming sensation, like a car engine throttling. It’s hard to describe.

How long does it last?

For me, it lasts as long as I am on the 369 Cleanse.

But like Medical Medium always says:

We cannot compare our healing journeys to other people because we are all dealing with different pathogens and toxins (in terms of quantities and types).

Some of us have more toxic heavy metals than others (see my black tongue while cleansing toxic heavy metals). Some of us have more fat pockets in our liver. Some of us have multiple viruses and bacteria. Some of us have less.

So I suspect our “liver squeeze” experiences could also be different.

For some of us, maybe we could feel our liver when doing a Mono-Eating Cleanse for example. Or maybe by doing the Toxic Heavy Metal Cleanse, lowering our fat intake and eating healing foods.

Does it scare me?

Someone once asked me if it scares me feeling my liver that way.

My answer:

No it doesn’t scare me, because I know it means it is cleansing. I relate this “discomfort” to something positive:

  • The Cleanse is working

  • My body is healing

  • I’m on the right path

  • A healthy liver = a healthy body & mind

My goal is to heal, and this liver sensation tells me things are moving forward.

Note: I have healed over 40 symptoms. So it confirms that I’m on the right path and that I shouldn’t be scared.

What does Medical Medium say about feeling our liver?

The most amazing thing happened to me last month, while I was doing a 369 Cleanse (while feeling my liver being squeezed).

I randomly picked the book Cleanse to Heal, and randomly opened to a page.

On that page, Medical Medium talked about feeling liver discomfort when cleansing!!!!!!!

How amazing!!!!

I had read the book years ago (when I didn’t experience the liver squeeze yet), and completely forgot about it.

Here is what MM says about it:

He describes the liver like being like a GIANT or a LION RAWRING after a big sleep = is EXACTLY how it feels. It literally feels like a giant STRETCHING and screaming.

So basically, our liver is getting OUT of stagnation AND it’s rejuvenating!!!!!

So, so amazing!!! 🥹🙏

What can we do if we want to soothe our liver?

If the sensation is bringing too much discomfort, there are things you can do to try to sooth your liver:

  • Liver meditations

  • Tools to feel peace in body and mind (to help us heal)

  • Foods & supplements that calm liver spasms

Liver Meditations

In the book Liver Rescue, you will find practices like:

  • Peaceful Liver Bath Meditation (I did this once and fell asleep in the bath, it’s amazing and it works)

  • Liver Rejuvenation Walking Meditation

  • Liver Cooling Meditation

  • Loosening Liver Fat Cells Morning Meditation

  • And more.

Feeling peace

The more we can feel peaceful, the more about body can heal.

MM has amazing tools we can use to feel peace in the book Medical Medium (page 393), like:

  • Sunbathing (love this!!!!)

  • Waves on the beach (love this one too)

  • Surrounded by trees (so good!!)

  • Free as a bird (I’ve done it, and loved it)

  • Collecting stones (I’ve done his one week “Collecting Stones Meditation”, and it was one of the most powerful healing techniques I’ve used)

  • And more

He also has some of these meditations as audio. So if you want a guided meditation, you’ll love it.

Foods and supplements

I’m still going through his books, but so far I have gathered that these foods and supplements help reduce liver spasms:

  • Mango

  • Hibiscus (good as a tea)

  • Ginger (infuse overnight in water or use a garlic presser as a mini-juicer to squeeze the juice out)

  • Curcumin (eat as part of a recipe, or take the Vimergy supplement, or do a Ginger-Turmeric Shot)

  • Lemon balm (as tea or Vimergy tincture)

  • L-Lysine (Vimergy supplement and eat potatoes because they are high in L-Lysine)

  • Magnesium Glycinate (Vimergy supplement)

  • Mullein Leaf (Vimergy supplement)

  • Dandelion (as tea)

  • Peppermint (as tea or part of a meal)

  • Schishandra berry (as tea or other ways)

That’s it!

I hope this post helped, in case you’re feeling your liver working too.

I wish you all the best on your healing journey. There is Light at the end of the tunnel.

Sending you Love, Light and Peace 🤍🕊


How I healed my Throat & Chest Tightness with Medical Medium information


My Potato Mono-Eating Cleanse experience (Medical Medium)