My Potato Mono-Eating Cleanse experience (Medical Medium)
The Potato Mono-Eating Cleanse was one of the BEST things I’ve done in my healing journey ~ for my chronic bloating and digestive issues.
There was a “before” the potato cleanse, and an “after”.
My tummy has never been the same since.
My digestion completely changed.
Everything is BETTER now.
If you’re struggling with bloating issues, digestion issues, feeling stressed, feeling sensitive to healing foods and supplements, or you need a break from your Medical Medium routine ~ I highly recommend a Medical Medium Mono-Eating Cleanse.
I personally chose to do potato option, but Medical Medium has other options available in his book “Cleanse to Heal”.
I’m going to share:
What is the Potato Mono-Eating Cleanse
My symptoms before the Potato Mono-Eating Cleanse
What I did before starting
What I ate in a day (my routine, how many potatoes, etc…)
What types of potatoes did I eat?
How long I did the Mono-Eating Cleanse for
Poo getting hard on the Potato Mono Eating cleanse?
Worms in stools during the cleanse
Why I love the Potato Mono-Eating Cleanse
My life after the potato mono eating cleanse
Would I do it again?
Did I get tired of eating potatoes?
What if you can’t do one week?
What is the Potato Mono-Eating Cleanse?
Medical Medium has 6 different Mono-Eating Cleanse options:
I recommend you read about each option in the book “Cleanse to Heal”.
He explains what each option is good for (bloating, IBS, SIBO, nerves, etc…).
I chose the Potato Mono-Eating option with optional lettuce.
So I did potato + lettuce.
Medical Medium recommends we do a mono-cleanse for 7 days minimum.
My symptoms before the Potato Mono-Eating Cleanse
I have healed over 40 symptoms since starting my Medical Medium journey.
But there was one symptom annoying me:
I had done a lot of Medical Medium Cleanses / protocols:
Original 369s
Advanced 369s
Brain Shot Therapy
They are all AMAZING, and helped with bloating (and so many other symptoms). But for me, bloating still stuck around after a 369 Cleanse.
I woke up bloated.
Drinking water made me bloated (without even eating yet)
I drank my Celery Juice and was even more bloated. And drank the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie and was bloated the whole day.
My tummy was always distended, rock hard and painful. From the moment I woke up, to the moment I went to sleep.
I couldn’t wear anything I wanted anymore.
I needed to try something else:
A Mono-Eating Cleanse.
What I did before starting
You can jump into a mono eating cleanse straight away if you want.
I personally didn’t do that.
I worked up to it.
I had been doing the Medical Medium morning routine for a while:
Wake up
Lemon water
Celery juice
Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie
I avoided the “Troublemaker Foods”
I cooked Medical Medium recipes
I did 369 Cleanses
I ate potatoes nearly every day (they became a staple in my diet)
I’m not saying you have to do the above (though they are all powerful healing tools). I’m just sharing my experience.
This is how I prepped myself mentally and physically, for the potato mono cleanse:
I went for a potato “test drive” 🥔 🚙
I tried to eat potatoes only for ONE meal ~ with nothing else ~ so I could test how it was before committing to one week.
Then I tried to eat potatoes only for one day only, to see how I felt.
And once I felt ready, I committed to do 1 week.
The first two to three days were “hard”. I doubted my decision to do this. But I sticked to it.
After the 3rd day, it felt easier.
By Day 5 I loved it.
Day 6, I didn’t want to stop.
Day 7: I made it! And the day after I went back to Medical Medium recipes (no fat though to give my body a break).
A few months later, when I felt ready, I decided to do 1 month (5 weeks)
31 May 2023 was Day 1 of the Potato Mono-Eating Cleanse.
In my heart, I told myself I wanted to do it for a month. But my mindset was: “Just take it one week at a time”.
I was already comfortable eating potatoes. I LOOOOOVE potatoes!! So at this stage in my journey, it didn’t feel hard to eat only potatoes.
Once again, the first couple of days were the “hardest”, and then it got easier and normal to eat like this. Plus, you get the bonus of SEEING and FEELING your healing in real-time ~ so it motivates you to keep going!
What I ate in a day (how many potatoes, etc…)
This was my routine:
Wake up
32oz lemon water
32oz celery juice
Every time, as soon I was hungry:
Potatoes + lettuce
Around 3-4 potatoes per meal (or more if I was hungry)
I would sometimes eat every 1.5-2 hours
I would sometimes squeeze fresh lemon juice on the potatoes if I wanted something extra (I love potatoes & lemon juice)
Aim at 1L of water per day
I wouldn’t restrict myself. I ate as much as I wanted (without feeling uncomfortable and overly full).
And my tummy was getting less and less bloated by the day.
In fact, I was recording my progress in my Healing Calendar. Here are screenshots:
Medical Medium once said in one of his Live videos that you can introduce the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie during your Mono-Eating Cleanse after a while, if you do the Mono-Eating Cleanse LONG-TERM (for months). But I only sticked to potatoes and lettuce.
What types of potatoes did I eat?
Medical Medium says we should eat normal, plain potatoes (not sweet potatoes or yams, even if those are extremely healing too ~ stick to plain potatoes for this cleanse).
I enjoyed white potatoes like:
Dutch cream
You don’t have to have all this variety.
I was completely fine with only Dutch cream or Sebago for example. It’s just that the other ones were in season when I did my potato mono-cleanse, and it was fun to taste different potatoes.
How long I did the Mono-Eating Cleanse for?
Like I said before, I started with a few days, then a week, and then 5 weeks.
You can do longer if you want.
I wish I continued longer :)
How long does it take to see results?
We all have different healing journeys. So it’s really unfair to compare ourselves to others.'
Some of us have more toxins than others.
Some of us have more toxic heavy metals than others.
Some of us have Streptoccocus in our intestinal tract.
Some of us have Strep + EBV.
Some of us might have Strep + 2 different strains of EBV.
Some of us experienced more stress than others.
And so on.
So our healing timelines will differ.
For some people, it can take about a week to feel relief.
For someone else, it could take 2 weeks.
For someone else, it could take longer.
Just do your best. You can do a mono-cleanse long-term if you feel like it.
But don’t feel bad if you can’t do more than one week.
Do one week, then take a break.
Then whenever you feel ready again, try to do another week.
Poo getting hard on the Potato Mono Eating cleanse?
My poo was great during the Cleanse.
If it was getting “hard”, I would drink more.
Potatoes are “drier” than what I was eating before (fruits, other veggies, smoothies).
So we need to drink more (at least 1 liter of water, lemon water or coconut water).
Worms in stool during the Cleanse
Medical Medium says potatoes also cleanse parasites and worms from the rectum.
I can confirm this is true, and it has been my experience.
Small and big worms came out (during AND for a few months AFTER this cleanse).
Why I love the Potato Mono-Eating Cleanse
The relaxation:
I get a freaking break from grocery shopping and cooking.
I don’t have to think about what to eat, or what to buy at the shops
I get to relax mentally & physically, while still cleansing.
The Peace in my body:
My body & mind started to feel very relaxed.
It helped relax my neurological symptoms (like throat and chest tightness). I was definitely more calm. It was the much needed break I needed mentally & physically.
More time:
Since I wasn’t prepping and cooking much, I had more time for other things.
Stable hunger and happy adrenals:
I ate whenever I wanted. Every 1.5 hours to 2 hours.
As soon as I was hungry.
One of my previous symptoms was “insatiable hunger” / “constant hunger” (which means I had low glycogen storage and my body was starving for glucose). This cleanse helped a lot to bring peace to my hunger and refuel my glycogen reserve.
Gentler cleanse:
Medical Medium says that mono-eating cleanses are “gentle” cleanses.
I came to the mono-cleanse from many 369 cleanses back-to-back. My tongue had been black for months (cleansing toxic heavy metals). And I needed a break.
My black tongue slowly faded away while on the cleanse, which tells me I was cleansing more gently.
It literally improved day by day, from the day I began the cleanse. Literally. You’ve seen the proof in my Healing Calendar.
My life after the potato mono eating cleanse
What a difference!!! Like night and day!!!
I have been tracking my healing progress for over 1 year now.
7 months later (now as I’m writing):
I have been waking up with a FLAT stomach ~ EVERY SINGLE DAY ~ for the past 7 months.
I can drink my lemon water, celery juice and Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie WITHOUT GETTING BLOATED.
I now also have more and more days when I don’t get that “full tummy” look after eating lunch and dinner.
I can also take my supplements comfortably. It’s amazing!!!! (Note: I have been doing 369 Cleanses since then, but the potato mono-eating cleanse was *THE* game-changer).
Everything has changed for the better since my potato mono-eating cleanse.
Would I do it again?
I’m actually planning to do it again this winter.
Did I get tired of eating potatoes?
When I first tried the cleanse, I could only last a few days.
By the time I started the 5 weeks, I loved potatoes. I never got tired of eating them. In fact, I miss being on the potato cleanse, and my partner and I often joke that we should go back to it.
What if you can’t do one week?
If you start the cleanse, and on day 2 or 3 (or whenever) you say: “Nope, I can’t do this anymore”, you have 2 options:
1. Stop. You’ve done your best!! Don’t beat yourself up. You still moved forward with healing! You did something new. Be proud of yourself. You can try again another time.
2. Ask yourself: “Can I just try ONE more MEAL? Just one meal? I’ll see how I feel after?” Attempt the next meal with an open mind and heart. See how you feel. If you still don’t feel like it anymore, then stop. If you feel like you can continue: Go ahead and do one more meal.
Either way, you’re moving forward with your healing, and you should be extremely proud of yourself.
That’s it!
I really hope this blog post helped.
I can’t speak highly enough of the mono-eating cleanse.
And if you’ve been thinking about doing it for a while: Go for it 💓
You’ve got this 💪
Sending lots of healing vibes your way 🕊🤍✨