Which Medical Medium book to read (or buy) first?

A lot of friends and family ask me: “Which Medical Medium book to read or buy first?”

So I thought I’d do a little blog post about it 😊

I think people in the Medical Medium community might give you different answers.

So I’m just going to share mine.

To me, all books have unique information we can use to heal or simply learn.

They each cover different topics, but they also contain overlapping topics. For example, all books cover what foods to avoid to heal, where toxins are coming from in our day-to-day life, and foods that help us.

In my opinion, the book you pick depends what you want the information for:

  • To learn about Medical Medium in general / out of curiosity?

  • To learn the causes of symptoms and conditions

  • To heal yourself or a loved one

  • To do a heavy metal detox cleanse

  • To take supplements

  • Fertility and reproductive system information

  • Learning about foods (whether you need to heal or not)

  • Soul healing techniques

  • Free Medical Medium information

  • Which book would I personally take on a deserted island?

Based on that, this will be my answer (keep scrolling for in-depth information):

Book to learn about Medical Medium in general / out of curiosity

  • Medical Medium (Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal) - Revised & Expanded Version

    • You’ll get a great overview of everything

    • The causes behind some of the most common chronic illnesses of today

    • Foods to avoid

    • Foods that help us

  • Life-Changing Foods

    • If you want a smaller book packed with great information (with a quick glance at everything he talks about in all his other books)

    • Core information about troublemaker foods, toxins, the Unforgiving Four and the Holy Four groups of foods that help us heal, or function even better as human beings.

    • Learn about what food does what in our body (physically and mentally too)

If you’re more curious about how the brain works and want to know about mental health and neurological issues (where is anxiety coming from? PTSD? OCD? Addiction? How can I perform even better? How can I fuel myself?): You’ll love the book Brain Saver. The information is AMAZING!!!

Book to learn the causes of symptoms and conditions

It depends what you want to know about.

  • Liver Rescue:

    • Specifically talks about weight gain, mystery hunger, aging, diabetes, blood sugar issues, cholesterol, mystery heart palpitations, to adrenal problems, chronic fatigue, chemical and food sensitivities, eczema, psoriasis, acne, SIBO, bloating, constipation, IBS, brain fog, mood struggles, SAD, PANDAS, jaundice, baby liver, Autoimmune liver and hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver scar tissue, liver cancer, gallbladder sickness, etc…

    • Helps understand the role of the liver: How our liver is the foundation of our health, how it gets overloaded with all the toxins we’re exposed to nowadays, and how we start getting symptoms because of that, and what to do about it.

  • Medical Medium (Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal) - Revised & Expanded Version:

    • Specifically talks about Type 2 diabetes, hypoglycemia, adrenal fatigue, candida, migraines, shingles (Colitis, TMJ, diabetic neuropathy and more), ADHD, autism, PTSD, depression, premenstrual syndrome and menopause, lyme disease, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism, hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and more.

  • Cleanse to Heal:

    • At the end of the book, he has a list of supplement protocols for various symptoms and conditions. At the beginning of each symptom, he explains what the causes are. It’s amazing to get a very quick idea of what’s happening your body. You start seeing connections between different symptoms ~ how they are caused by the same thing(s).

If you prefer information about mental health issues and the brain:

  • Brain Saver:

    • It explains the causes how the brain works, and our neurological system

    • Learn how toxic heavy metals impact our brain

    • Learn what is behind mental health issues, OCD, PTSD, anxiety, addiction, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, brain fog, Lyme, balance issues, anemia, blurred vision, brain tumors and cysts, burnout, buzzing in ears, stiffness, tremors, seizures, migraines, and so so SOOOOO many more!!! Very enligthning!

Books to heal yourself or a loved one

Need to heal from a chronic symptom or condition?

Medical Medium has many different Cleanses available.

There are 4 books I would recommend if you want to heal yourself, or a loved one:

  • Cleanse to Heal (in my opinion, the #1 cleansing book, a must-have),

  • Brain Saver (there are two books in this series. If you don’t want to read the causes of issues and just go straight to protocols and supplements, get the “Brain Saver Protocols” book only)

  • Thyroid Healing (if you need Thyroid related support, information and cleanse)

  • Medical Medium (has the 28-Day Cleanse in there)

A bit more information about each one:

Cleanse to Heal:

  • This is my healing companion.

  • I use it to do the famous 369 Cleanse and Mono Eating Cleanse.

  • It’s a must if you want to Cleanse your body safely in order to heal yourself

  • All information about cleansing, detoxifying your body is in there

  • All information about potential healing reactions is in there

  • Heavy Metal Detox cleanse available in it

  • Supplement list in it

Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes:

  • If you need help healing mental health and / or neurological struggles

  • Heavy Metal Detox cleanse available in it

  • Brain Shot juices available in it

  • Brain Shot cleanses available in it

  • A different supplement list is in it

Thyroid Healing:

  • For thyroid related issues like Hashimoto’s, Grave’s, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroid nodules, cysts and tumors, enlarged thyroid, inflammation

Books for Heavy Metal Detox

If you want to cleanse from toxic heavy metals, here are the 2 books to guide you:

  • Cleanse to Heal, and

  • Brain Saver

Cleanse to Heal:

  • I’ve done the 369 Cleanses and cleansed a LOT of heavy metals (see below)

Brain Saver:

  • It has 7 heavy metal detox options ~ they’re amazing.

If you wonder if Medical Medium’s Heavy Metal Detox Cleanses, work: Yes they do. I’ve cleansed a lot of metals by following his protocols:

Books that tell you which supplements to take for your condition

There are 2 awesome books for that:

  • Cleanse to Heal

  • Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses and Recipes

They each have lists of symptoms with corresponding supplement protocols.

Fertility and reproductive system information

If you’re dealing with infertility or reproductive system issues like endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, irregular periods or absence of periods (amenorrhoea):

  • Cleanse to Heal

  • Life-Changing Foods

Books to learn about foods

Nearly all books have a list of fruits, vegetables, herbs and supplements, and what each does for our organs.

If you want to learn about some of the most powerful foods of our time, then you’ll love the book "Life-Changing Foods”.

I use it very, very often.

I also use the glossary at the end of the book to look up symptoms / conditions. Then, I can see which foods are recommended for that specific condition. So if you are dealing with a symptom, and want to know if there is a specific food that could help you, you could use that book.

It works. I had horrible chest and throat tightness 24/7. I had done many cleanses, but I just needed to include one food in my routine. And it changed everything for me within a week: Ginger.

Soul healing

If you feel disconnected, fearful, in a constant fight-or-flight mode, have chronic stress, worry, anxiety, a sensation of feeling lost, hopeless, or purposeless: Medical Medium’s food advice will help.

In my experience, the foods help heal both physical and emotional things.

In addition to food, you can also use Soul-Healing Meditations and Techniques.

Note: The Meditations are not what you might think of. They’re not about “fighting your mind or boredom”. They’re a different experience.

You will find them in these books:

  • Medical Medium (Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal) - Revised & Expanded Version

  • Liver Rescue

  • Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses and Recipes

  • Life-Changing Foods:

    • Has exercises for fertility and the reproductive system

  • Thyroid Healing:

    • Has meditation and techniques to help heal the thyroid

Free Medical Medium information

I have to conclude by saying this too:

Nearly all Medical Medium information is online for free:

You can type on Google “Medical Medium [enter a symptom / food]” and you will see the information on his website.

For example, let’s say you have acne issues.

Type “medical medium acne” on Google and you will see all the information available on his website.

Or let’s say you want to know what potatoes do for you. You can type: “medical medium potatoes” and you will see all the information on his website about them.

Which book will I take with me on a deserted island?

Well, first of all I’d be too busy enjoying coconuts lol 😁

But if I had to only choose 3 books it would be these ones:

  • Cleanse to Heal

  • Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes

  • Life-Changing Foods

I use these all the time to cleanse and heal.

That’s it!

I truly hope this blog post helped. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Otherwise, I wish you the very best on your beautiful healing journey ✨💓🕊


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Can you take supplements on Day 9 of the 369 Cleanse? (Medical Medium)