Food & Feelings (Medical Medium information)

Wow. This booklet is finally ready. Let me tell you, it was a labor of love. I have been wanting to create it for a very long time, and it’s finally here!

I became fascinated with how food changes my feelings and energy since applying Medical Medium information in my own life.

I have experienced stress-reduction, peace, bliss, deep gratitude (out of nowhere), just by changing what I was consuming. For example, I get suuuuper peaceful when consuming celery juice, or melon juice, or ginger (wow, ginger is a game-changer!). I calm down like crazy when I eat potatoes. I feel a massive shift in my energy (in a positive way) when I eat papaya.

I told myself:

“If coffee / alcohol makes people feel or act differently, imagine what specific healing foods can do to us!”

It got me asking: “Which food helps which feeling?

And so the “Food & Feelings” booklet was born.

Basically, I went through the entire "Life-Changing Foods” book by Medical Medium.

I read the description of each foods, but also the emotional and spiritual impact each food has on us.

I started seeing some patterns, like:

  • Some foods were amazing to help us alleviate fears / worries.

  • Other foods are awesome when we feel confused.

  • Other foods are great to help us be more patient.

  • Some foods help us become more productive (in a way that we get in touch with our purpose).

  • Other foods help when we need support when we are exhausting ourselves when taking care of others.

  • Some foods are critical when we need a boost with our healing journey (if we feel like we are losing hope and we feel like it seems impossible to heal ~ some foods help us get out of that funk!)

  • And some food are great to consume before our meditation or spiritual practices (if you’re interested in this)


So I started to categorise these Life-Changing Foods based on emotions.

I ended up with 28 categories (28 major feelings).

This booklet is a PDF, and it’s interactive:

  • Click on a feeling

  • See the top foods for that feeling

  • Description of each food and how they help us shift our emotions and energy

  • Clickable Medical Medium Recipes based on the foods recommended for a specific feeling (for example, if two of the top foods are “Potatoes” and “Asparagus”, you’ll see examples of recipes that include potatoes and asparagus).

I’ve tried my best to create these categories, and I hope I did it justice and didn’t miss anything major.

I truly, truly hope this information will help you too, no matter where you are on your journey.

Sending you lots of positive vibes you way.

And as always…

Happy Healing! ✨🌸🕊