Healing Journey Calendar (PowerPoint)
This is the PowerPoint version of the Calendar. This is what I personally use every day, because I like to fully customize my Calendar.
You can change colors, fonts, add images (make it a scrapbook if you want), add progress photos, add more pages if you want.
If you prefer to just add text on top of the PDF, or you don’t have the PowerPoint or KeyNote software, then download the PDF version instead (here).
I also recommend to use this file from your computer. It is easier to navigate. Plus, you can zoom into your calendar to write as much or as little as you want.
How the Healing Journey Calendar was born
So many of you asked how I do my little Healing Journey Calendar. So here it is 🤗
You can use it to track your healing progress.
Sometimes it feels like we’re not moving forward. But if you track it, you can actually go back in time, and see how far you’ve come!
You can use the Calendar to give yourself little “challenges”, like doing the Medical Medium Morning Routine, 369 Cleanse, Mono-Eating Cleanse, Stone Meditation ~ or anything that your soul calls you to do.
I will create a little YouTube video soon to show how I use it, how you can fill it up, etc…
For now, feel free to look at my Highlights on Instagram (@aanda.day). I have shared some of my progress there and you can see how I use it 😊
You will see I left some empty columns in the table. This is intentional.
This is space for you to write down anything you want to track (any symptoms or new habits you would like to implement).
I really hope this will help you too 🤍
Happy healing beautiful people 🕊
And a special thank you from the bottom of my heart to Anthony William, Spirit of Compassion & the MM team for their tireless work. Without you, I would have never been able to feel good enough to do this.